mayo 18, 2018

Norwegian Film History

Norwegian Film History /


Norways only Academy Award Winner (for Best Documentary) and (naturally also) its best exploration documentary about national explorer Thor Heyerdahl.

Olsen-banden og Dynamitt-Harry                                  (1970)

Number 2 in the series
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Romantic comedy for soccer-fans, especially of the team Manchester United anno 2003
The Polar Bear King

Maria Bonnevie sitting on an icebear is just a magical fantasy image
Olsenbanden Junior går under vann

The Olsenbanden gang was hugely popular but by 2003 most of the original cast was dead or too old to do anything more. So prequels/ reboot with child actors was the only way to go. They started with a pre-Christmas series and as it was hugely popular for the young generation it was decided to make a movie. Its success ensured that several new sequels was made and when child actors got to old they only replaced them
Bread and Circus

First Norwegian splattermovie made by amateurs and with no budget. Ripoff or homage of Peter Jackson films?
Uno                                  (2004)


One of Norways first crime movies. It was also a big box office success that also made its run in other countries.
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Teenage drama
Rat Nights
                                     Drama about materialism

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