(con música de Maria Kalaniemi)
Faroese Swearing | English Translation |
Helvitis fani | Hell's devil |
Reyvaslikkari | Arse-licker |
Mogga mammu tíni | Go fuck your mother |
Pilla slikkari | Cocksucker |
Kvenndevul | She devil |
Eg drepi teg | I'll kill you |
Fanin í helviti | The devil in hell |
devulsungi | Devil's child |
Lortungi | Full of shit |
Reyvarhol | Asshole |
Ljóti fani | You ugly bastard |
Skít | Shit |
Tik | Bitch |
Skøtja | Whore |
Sami Swearing | English Translation |
Battaraigi | Asshole |
Biru | Fuck |
Cinna | Cunt |
Cillu | Dick |
Sahtan | Satan |
Mana helvetii | Go to hell |
Jalla | Idiot |
Neavskalat | Jerk |
Norwegian Swearing | English Translation |
Slikk fitte | Lick pussy |
Sug kukk | Suck cock |
Pul mora di | Fuck your mother |
Morapuler | Motherfucker |
Mora di er ei hore | Your mother's a whore |
Horeunge | Child of a whore |
Drittunge | Brat |
Drittsekk | Bastard/Sack of shit |
Fittehøl | Cunthole |
Kukost | Cock-cheese |
Fittesleiker | Cuntlicker |
Kuksuger | Cocksucker |
Jævel | Fucker |
Rompepuler | Assfucker |
Mora di er mann | Your mother's a man |
Sug meg | Suck me (in an insulting kind of way) |
Pul deg selv | Fuck yourself |
Jævla hore | Fucking whore |
Knull en hest | Fuck a horse |
Pikk | Cock/Dick |
Fitte | Cunt |
Rasshøl | Asshole |
Rævhøl | Asshole |
Helvete | Hell |
Pule | To fuck |
Dritt | Shit |
Drittsek | Shitbag |
Hestkuk | Horsedick |
Hore | Whore, Slut |
Din faens rompeslikker | You damn ass licker |
Stikk å dra deg | Go fuck yourself |
Tispe | Bitch |
Drittsekk | Dirtbag |
Tufs | Dork |
Muggfitte | Moldy pussy |
Aperonk | Monkey masturbator |
Sædgurgler | Semen gurgler |
Nappe løken | To masturbate (lit. to pull the onion) |
Jævla bonde | Fucking farmer |
Ditt billige sædhøl | You slutty cumhole |
Dust | Dork |
Kukskolt | Cock head |
Kuksuger | Cock sucker |
Taper | Loser |
Tulling | Madman |
Galning | Madman |
Skjitlest | Wussy |
Pyse | Wussy |
Baesj-puffer | Gay (lit. Shit pusher) |
Bryster | Breasts |
Brunøyet | Asshole |
Dass | Shithouse |
Dra til helvete | Go to hell |
Drittsekk | Shitbag |
Dægger'n | Damn |
Dra laksen | Masturbate (Pull the salmon) |
Din baesj | You shit |
Din teiting | You moron |
Feier | Faggot, gay |
Soper | Faggot, gay |
Svarte | Damn |
Søren | Heck |
Faen | Damn |
Tispe | Bitch, slut |
Snabel | Penis, Dick, Cock |
Snurrebass | Penis, Dick, Cock |
Kølle | Penis, Dick, Cock |
Kuk | Penis, Dick, Cock |
Kødd | Penis, Dick, Cock |
Stygging | Ugly looking |
Stikk og heng deg | Go hang yourself |
Lesbe | Lesbian |
Morrapuler | Mother fucker |
Pule | Fuck |
Pikk | Prick |
Pupper | Tits |
Rompe | Ass |
Rass | Ass |
Jævel | Bastard |
Rumpesuger | Ass sucker |
Utpulte ravholl | Out-fucked asshole |
Faen | Fuck |
Jævla | Fuck |
Faen heller | For fucks sake |
Jævla hore | Fucking bitch |
Hore | Slut, whore |
Alfahore | Alfa-whore |
Alvepikk | Elf-dick |
Analfitte | Anal-pussy |
Analludder | Anal-slut |
Babybæsjsniffer | Baby-poo-sniffer |
Babyknuller | Baby-fucker |
Babykuk | Baby-cock |
Baconballe(r) | Baconball(s) |
Baconfitte | Baconbitch |
Baconræv | Baconass |
Bærsjhølpuler | Poo-hole-fucker |
Baksetehumper | Back-seat-humper |
Blauthomo | Soft-homo |
Brystpuler | Titfuck |
Horeunge | Child of a whore |
Lausunge | Unwanted child |
Rompeslikker | Asslicker |
Snørrunge | Brat |
Tøs | Bitch |
Felleshøl | Free whore |
Din schtøgge jævel | You ugly bastard |
[ka] i hellvette! | [what] the hell! |
Himmel og helvete | Heaven and hell |
Fettlørrve | Pussy/cunt rag |
Fittfaen | Cuntdevil (used on males) |
Hæstkuk | Horse's dick (male) |
Fitte | Cunt (male and female) |
Fette | Cunt (male and female) |
Knull bakfra | Doggystyle |
Sædsprut | Cumshot |
Trans | Shemale |
Gå og pul en katt i rumpa | Go fuck a cat in the ass |
Steike | Damn |
Faen! | Fuck |
Faen ta deg | Fuck you |
Jaevla idiot | Fucking idiot |
Vil du pule? | Want to fuck? |
Pul meg! | Fuck me |
Dra til helvete din stygge faen | Go to hell you ugly fuck |
gå og sug en hest | Go suck a horse |
Kjoetthue | Meathead |
Sabla stygg | Very ugly |
Hespetre | Ugly/mean female |
Møss | Cunt |
Dra deg i kugen | Pull your cock |
Gå å la faren din pule deg i faen ræva | Let your father fuck you in your damned ass |
Din påståelige jævla rumpeknuller! Kan ikke du gå og henge deg? Forpulte norske hvaldreper! | You stubborn damned assfucker! Can't you go hang yourself? Fucking Norwegian whale-killer! |
Hu faens mora di er en forpult mann | Your goddamned mother is a fucking man |
Jeg skal dogge moradi i rompa så hardt at hun blør | I'm gonna doggystyle your mom so hard in the ass, she starts bleeding. |
Vess du fan ikke kan oppfør dæ årntli så ska æ stapp høue ditt opp i ræva di, så kan du sett dær, aleina i mørtna, å prat mannskit me dæ sjøl. | If you can't fucking behave properly then I will stuff your head up your ass, so you can sit there, alone in the darkness, and talk shit to yourself. |
Tarmturist | Colon-tourist (ass-fucker) |
Hagenisse | Garden gnome |
Sutt lut og dø! | Suck lye and die! |
Forpulte søppelnerd | Fucking trash-nerd |
Treskalle | Woodhead |
Susepikk | Windy dick |
Saueknuller | Sheepfucker |
Gå og spis en kubæsj | Go and eat a cow's shit |
Troll | Ugly person |
Trollete | naughty person |
Mor di! | Fuck you (lit. your mother) |
Mor di er far din! | Your mother is your father |
In eighteen hundred and forty-six
And of March the eighteenth day, We hoisted our colors to the top of the mast And for Greenland sailed away, brave boys, And for Greenland sailed away.
The lookout, in the crosstrees he stood
With spyglass in his hand; There's a whale, there's a whale, And a whalefish he cried And she blows at every span, brave boys And she blows at every span.
The captain stood on the quarterdeck,
The ice was in his eye; Overhaul, overhaul! Let your gibsheets fall, And you'll put your boats to sea, brave boys And you'll put your boats to sea.
The harpoon struck and the line played out,
With a single flourish of his tail, He capsized the boat and we lost five men, And we did not catch that whale, brave boys, And we did not catch that whale.
The losing of those five jolly men,
It grieved the captain sore, But the losing of that fine whalefish Now it grieved him ten times more, brave boys Now it grieved him ten times more.
Oh Greenland is a barren land
A land that bears no green Where there's ice and snow, and the whalefishes blow And the daylight's seldom seen, brave boys And the daylight's seldom seen. |
En estos Juegos Olímpicos hubo muchas innovaciones: se utilizo por primera vez el cronometró y la foto finish. También se construyo una pista para carreras con curvas semicirculares en vez de elípticas, convirtiéndola así en la pista mas rápida y mejor del mundo.
El atleta portugués Francisco Lázaro, que falleció extenuado cuando participaba en la carrera del maratón tras recorrer más de 30 kilómetros.
Por primera vez se manifestó el conflicto entre atletas amateurs y aficionados. Por ese motivo, el norteamericano Jim Thorpe, al que describió el rey Gustavo V como "el más grande atleta mundial", fue descalificado a posteriori y tuvo que devolver dos medallas de oro (pentatlón y decatlón), cuando se descubrió que en cierta ocasión había jugado "profesionalmente" en un equipo de béisbol (por lo que cobró un total de 20 $). En 1982, la Comisión Ejecutiva del COI decidió la rehabilitación de Jim Thorpe, entregando a su hija las medallas que había ganado con toda justicia.
Paralelamente a esta olimpiadas, hubo concursos de literatura, música, pintura, escultura etc, con sus correspondientes medallas.
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Jan Garbarek y su grupo en Madrid © Manuel Velasco |
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