octubre 29, 2009

Islandia en 3D

Para ver con gafas 3D.

Iceland sits on a volcanic hot spot on the mid Atlantic Ridge, right on the Arctic Circle. It has an amazing range of landscapes from desolate rock plains to tall rugged mountains. As part of the elemental project we decided to explore Iceland, it's glaciers, geysers and of course the Northern Lights. All shot in 3D using a pair of XDCAM EX's

The Elemental project is a collaboration between photographer Mark Humpage and TV Producer Alister Chapman. Together they plan to travel the world capturing natures most spectacular events on stunning HD video and beautiful photographs. Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Lightning, Aurora and Volcanoes are just some of the natural events they hope to record.

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Glögg El Glögg (en sueco; en danés y noruego: gløgg , y en finlandés: glögi ) es un tipo de vino caliente escandinavo hecho a partir de...